Sunday, October 03, 2004

Nirvana Thoughts

Nirvana was many things to many people. I think in the end they were just a really good band that had fans that cared about them even though few ever met them. Their music had enough impact on people that it changed people's lives. You can't ever expect for something like that to happen and it can't truly be contrived. The only way it can truly happen is when there is quality and substance to something. The music stands for itself. Even after such influential albums such as Nirvana's Nevermind released over a decade ago Nirvana sounds just as important, if not much more important than a lot of music today. The best music is able to break down generation gaps and challenge the mainstream's perception of good music at the same time. The music also has to be somewhat revolutionary and the bands have to form their own identity. They cannot be clones of something that was before them. They should be able to take many influences from the music of the past and take them and make them into their own sound. Nirvana was able to do this by writing often simplistic songs that had choruses they were catchy and could be sang along to even if you didn't always know what Kurt Cobain was saying. It made a deep impact just the same. It was more about the emotion given off and less about trying to show off and trying to be a big thing in the music scene. When you are able to have all of these rolled into one you have created a musical force that maybe only one out of every one thousand bands can only begin to fully grasp and transfer through their music. I understand that not all music can be that important and make that kind of impact. All types of music have their place and that's why I think it is great to be influenced by as many types of music as possible. There should be no limits on what you try to create when you are an artist. You have to know what you dislike to really understand why you like the music that you really do like and call your own. Just because you dislike something doesn't mean that you should go around forcing your opinions onto other people either. The message gets across much deeper when you give people ways for them to find it on their own. This will hopefully give the person a chance to be exposed to music they never would have never otherwise heard. If only because they didn't know of it's existence. That is why I think it's so important to keep new music fresh and to keep changing as an artist as long as you go with your heart and don't just use your art as only a way to make money and nothing more.Nirvana had a hard time dealing with the pressures and responsibilities with being one of the biggest bands in the world. They liked to joke around and have fun. They made mistakes, but all bands do. They didn't want to be spokesmen for their generation, and they had to be once fame was thrust upon them. Kurt had a heavy drug problem, and the depression that anyone who relies on drugs goes through will take it's toll. Nirvana didn't have the most original sound. I think it's virtually impossible to come up with something completely original anymore actually, at least at this point. They had a heavy sound with piercing vocals. There may have been bad points, the drug use, Kurt's suicide, etc. But as cliche as it sounds the music is what really matters, even now, when it comes down to why they were such a vital band. Nirvana had songs you can sing along to that ranged from pop to punk and metal. They used dramatic changes in dynamics that has been run into the ground in today's rock radio sound. They brought back the whole hidden track on a CD that has also widely been used since. They brought back the destruction that bands made big on stage in concert before them. They are the group that brought the so called "grunge" sound to the mainstream and in turn were the most influential bands of the 90's. Plus Kurt was a really good singer who wasn't afraid of challenging himself or taking risks musically from time to time. And there was a real feeling to the songs. The songs meant much more than what most of the 1980's rock bands before Nirvana had to offer. It was something on another level you could relate to. Plus they gave you the feeling that if someone like that can make it, who's that honest and real, maybe the music world wasn't as manufactured and predictable as once thought. It was a changing of the guard. That is why Nirvana were as good as they were.

The Nirvana Alphabet (Song List)

About a Girl
Aero Zeppelin
All Apologies
Been a Son
Big Cheese
Big Long Now
Born In A Junkyard
Come As You Are
Do You Love Me?
Drain You
Endless Nameless
Even In His Youth
Floyd The Barber
Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip
Hairspray Queen
Heart-Shaped Box
Help Me, I'm Hungry
Here She Comes Now
I Hate Myself And I Want To Die
If You Must
In Bloom
In His Room
Jesus Don't Wants Me For A Sunbeam
JunkyardLake of Fire
Lounge Act
Love Buzz
Mexican Seafood
Milk It
Moist Vagina
Molly's Lips
Mr. Moustache
Negative Creep
Oh MeOh, The Guilt
On A PlainOpinion
Paper Cuts
Pay To Play
Pen Cap Chew
Pennyroyal TeaPlateau
PollyPolly (New Wave)
Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
Rape Me
Return Of The Rat
Scentless Apprentice
Serve The Servants
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Something In the Way
Spank Thru
Stay Away
Sun Of Gun
Swap Meet
Talk To Me
Territorial Pissing
The Man Who Sold The World
The Money Will Roll Right InToken Eastern Song
Verse Chorus VerseVery Ape
Where Did You Sleep Last Night
You Know You're Right

** Using Reverse Psychology **

The underlying principle here is agreeing with her objection by takingthe same position as her. It also evokes the scarcity principle andit makes her run after you like a moth to a flame.This is what you do...Her: "I just want to be friends." You: "That is exactly what I wasthinking and was going to suggest it myself. I think you and I wouldbe better off as friends anyway."Her: "I am not ready to make love." You: "Now that you mention itneither am I. I think we should wait and really get to know eachbefore we even consider having sex and just cuddle."Her: "You cannot come upstairs." You: "Now that you mention it, I amtired and really do not want to come up. If I was to come upstairswith you I could only stay for 10 minutes and then leave."Her: "I am tired and I want you to take me home." You: "Yes, you looktired and it's better I do that. I am tired myself and want to gohome as well."Her: "I have a bf/husband/no time/busy/pet died/not my type." You:"Well I was just thinking that you seem interesting. I too have agf/wife/no time/am busy/pet died/not my type and thought we could bejust friends. I think you are a little too presumptuous about myinterest in you here. If you cannot have a casual coffee with me thenyou can leave now."You say this to any ice queen and you'll melt her right to the groundand get her take an opposite position to what you suggest. Andbelieve me I have used these lines on scores of women getting a turnaround rate of about 75%.But when I continued pushing I rarely if ever succeeded in turning anywoman round.