Sunday, October 03, 2004

** Using Reverse Psychology **

The underlying principle here is agreeing with her objection by takingthe same position as her. It also evokes the scarcity principle andit makes her run after you like a moth to a flame.This is what you do...Her: "I just want to be friends." You: "That is exactly what I wasthinking and was going to suggest it myself. I think you and I wouldbe better off as friends anyway."Her: "I am not ready to make love." You: "Now that you mention itneither am I. I think we should wait and really get to know eachbefore we even consider having sex and just cuddle."Her: "You cannot come upstairs." You: "Now that you mention it, I amtired and really do not want to come up. If I was to come upstairswith you I could only stay for 10 minutes and then leave."Her: "I am tired and I want you to take me home." You: "Yes, you looktired and it's better I do that. I am tired myself and want to gohome as well."Her: "I have a bf/husband/no time/busy/pet died/not my type." You:"Well I was just thinking that you seem interesting. I too have agf/wife/no time/am busy/pet died/not my type and thought we could bejust friends. I think you are a little too presumptuous about myinterest in you here. If you cannot have a casual coffee with me thenyou can leave now."You say this to any ice queen and you'll melt her right to the groundand get her take an opposite position to what you suggest. Andbelieve me I have used these lines on scores of women getting a turnaround rate of about 75%.But when I continued pushing I rarely if ever succeeded in turning anywoman round.


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